What is your first thought when you see a successful athlete? Is it the cheers, the lights & action, the hard work and long nights of practice? Or do you think about the laundry, the minivan, and the late night dinners? If you’re thinking the latter, you may just be a sports mom.
JaQuan’s story, when it comes to playing the sport he loves, started when he was just 7 years old. His mom wanted him and his brother to be a part of something bigger than flag football. She was determined to make them great so they went to play in Cleveland, on larger teams.
Nick has always been an athlete, playing since he was 5 years old, with the support of his father. He considered himself a child who grew up in two different worlds; the west side where he attended LaSalle High School, an all boys catholic academy, versus his home being in an underdeveloped and often ignored neighborhood.
Meet Kaelyn
Kaelyn is the person behind the #greatsports.
Sports has been her life since the age of 6. The work it takes to achieve the title ATHLETE Is no joke…… The Perseverance you must have is a part of the journey of every athlete and coach’s story. Kaelyn started playing soccer at the age of 9…Where she and her father had no clue of the sport. Due to her athleticism, she flourished on to play premier soccer. Kaelyn was also playing basketball at the time, training with her father.
After reaching High School Kaelyn participated in Track, Basketball and Soccer. Back-to-back-to- back while maintaining a GPA of 3.4 and better. Then the unthinkable happens, Kaelyn suffered a severe knee injury which could have ended her career… that is when an athlete must separate themselves from I can’t to I will be back!
Kaelyn returned to action in 7 months after ritual therapy and training. After her comeback Kaelyn was recognized as a 2 time All Ohio athlete in soccer, All District athlete in basketball and track, all the while being on some of the best teams her high school had to offer. After high school Kaelyn was offered a college soccer scholarship and an opportunity for higher education.
Currently Kaelyn has achieved a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Management and Sports Marketing and is currently working on her Masters Degree. Kae is telling the story of the great faces of Ohio Coaches and Athletes that we cheer on in our communities across Ohio.
“Much Love to you Kaelyn!” - Tara

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