How do you want to leave this earth for your children and their children?
Allison & Sarah Image from FTF Facebook
Well, Sarah and Allison were not content with leaving it in the direction it was headed and decided to do their part to create a cleaner and less wasteful world for their children, and For Their Future.
For Their Future is a refill station, in Norwalk, that has an array of eco-friendly no-waste products, such as shampoos, lotions, and detergents - all in reusable containers or recyclable containers, or you can bring your own to be filled! These products are all naturally scented and chemical free, so we know what we are putting on our bodies. The ladies shared their passion of creating a cleaner community so that their kids can grow up with less chemicals and waste, and hopes to add more of the community to this movement.
Sarah, Allison, and I spoke for what felt like hours about the harsh reality of where our world is headed and the benefits of “cleaning up our lives and our carbon footprints”, we discussed the large corporations utilizing more and more single use items and the oceans and streams filling up with plastics. We all know that one person cannot change the views of the whole world, but we all do have a personal responsibility to this beautiful earth that sustains our lives!
These ladies are both mothers to 3 children each, and live very busy lives! Sarah is an LPN, and Allison is an advocate for sustainability as well as a member of the Peace Corps, and my neighbor! They lead their lives by faith and their drive to do their part. Their mission is simple, yet eye opening and impactful, to leave the world a better place For Their Future, and that’s what makes this Great Faces, Great Places, & Great Products™.
“This is really something we as a community should rally for, together, and I hope they find great success in building this brand and leaving a legacy.” Much Love- Tara
For Their Future offers Norwex products for sustainability.
For Their Future can be found at 13 W Main St and also at various markets and vendor shows. https://fortheirfutureco.com/