JaQuan worked his way from small town flag football all the way to the NFL.
JaQuan Hardy came to Tiffin University as a running back with big dreams. Here he studied Business and Management, always having the dream to have his very own business and be his own boss. He is from Cleveland, Ohio on the East Side before moving to the West side in Westlake, attending Westlake High School. JaQuan through the years of 2016-2020 made his statement, showing everyone the type of player he is and what he's striving for. Currently he is with the Dallas Cowboys and at this moment they are in the off season. He is taking this time to decompress, training on his own time and he is about to head back to Texas to be back with the team.
JaQuan’s story, when it comes to playing the sport he loves, started when he was just 7 years old. His mom wanted him and his brother to be a part of something bigger than flag football. She was determined to make them great so they went to play in Cleveland, on larger teams. She and the rest of his family are his inspiration, the people that keep him going through the hard times. To some extent they are helping him with his mindset to do what he needs to do to succeed. He was seen as an underrated person and the inspiration to find success was something that pushed him forward.
Image Submitted by JaQuan Hardy
In the year of 2019 during the 4th season game, he started to feel a significant pain in his knee. After talking to coaches about a game plan he had some big decisions to make, after learning of a significant knee injury. Something that continued to run through his mind was if he could get through it, if he could really succeed and take the pain head on mentally and physically. He did that, and has found great benefit in his decision and physical therapy.
After JaQuan went undrafted he independently signed with the Cowboys for a future contract as a free agent. When he got there he was able to experience the Rookie dinner with an after party, a tradition some consider hazing where the team shows up, orders a large amount of food and drinks and the rookies pay for it. JaQuan was a good sport and earned the respect of his teammates that night, and developed everlasting friendships.
Image submitted by JaQuan Hardy
JaQuan has many goals that are at the tip of his fingers and there doesn’t seem to be anything that is going to stop him. He wants to find success, and get more invested into stocks. He wants to focus on starting a ROTH IRA to save his money, being responsible and better for his future. His own foundation/charity or organization is in his sights when going back and giving back. In the next 5 years, he wants to create a youth camp, give back to his community online and in Cleveland where he grew up.
His Sweetnesses of Ohio are his family, Cleveland, and football. Being in a role model position he has some advice to upcoming athletes. “Trust the process of going through your trials and tribulations. Everyone has a story to tell, no matter what when times get hard but they don’t last. Find your passion, it could be a job to you and that is okay. Do what you love because at the end of the day you’re not here for too long, have fun and be safe. Tomorrow is never promised”. - All my Love- Kae