Old Soul Woodworking | Monroeville, Ohio
Image from Old Soul Website
There is a one stoplight village near Sandusky, called Monroeville. This little piece of rural Ohio houses a diverse group of businesses on it’s Main street including a coffee shop, a smash room, and barn shaped pizza restaurant, but my soul led me to one in particular. There was a draw I couldn’t ignore, and had to investigate, which led me to the quaint little shop called Old Soul Woodworking.
I stepped into the shop and was greeted by not only these amazing people, named Andrew and Elisa, but by the feeling of faith- of love- of comfort. I can’t put into words how much my heart knew I needed to be here and I needed to share their story.
Image submitted by SOO
image from Old Soul Website
Andrew and Elisa are graduates of St Paul High School in Norwalk, and have been together as high school sweethearts ever since. They attended college together, and, as so naturally as I can see the love between them, they married and had two beautiful boys and lived their lives in heavy careers and sharing the love of God, but knew he had a higher calling for them.
One day, while Andrew was tinkering in the garage with some woodworking he learned from his grandfather, Elisa joined him and added her talents, also learned from her grandfather. It was in their blood and in their souls and they felt this is what they were called to do. They started off at an unsuccessful craft event - but prayed and listened- and kept going on to sell out at the next one, then they knew it was where they belonged. In September of 2017 they signed a lease and opened their store front, and have found peace and success, partnership and strength.
Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created. ~Esther 4:14~
According to Elisa, opening a store was not in the plans, but she followed the love of Andrew and their faith in God and made the dive. Andrew and Elisa opened their store for 3 core reasons; they both had woodworking in their blood, they enjoyed spending the time together to create pieces of love and sharing their faith, and they wanted to show their two boys the power of hard work and the pride in doing what they love to do and listening to their hearts to follow their dreams.
While I browsed the store, I could feel every movement of the saw on all of the pieces, every swipe of the sandpaper, every stroke of the brush. Their passion flows through every single handmade piece right into my soul! I can physically feel the love, the dedication, I can hear the boys laughing, and I can visualize Andrew and Elisa working together with love and faith that this is their calling.
Images submitted by SOO
I am inspired by these two and their journey through their love and faith, and that’s why they are Great Faces, Great Places, & Great Products. - Much Love, Tara