Raspberry Woods Art Gallery | Middle Point, Ohio
Within the walls of an unassuming pole barn, you’ll find the spirituality, passion, and creativity of retired Van Wert High School art teacher, Tom Emerine. It’s like walking through a portal to one of the most beautiful art galleries I have had the pleasure of visiting! My eyes darted around to paintings then to pottery, drawings, then to photographs. It was a full stimulation for both heart and soul.
Image from Raspberry Woods Art Studio Facebook
Image submitted by SOO
As I’m browsing in wonder and awe, Tom came down from his second story studio to greet me, and I could immediately tell that he was a man of God and of wonder, and I knew this place needed to be shared. In our conversation, I learned of his retirement from teaching 6 years ago, and of his extensive education in art, such as him achieving his bachelor's degree from Bowling Green State University, and then going on to snag a Master’s Degree from Bluffton College.
His education only fueled his desire and passion for his work, which launched a dream to reality in 2007, sharing with me “Dreams are birthed, plans take wings, and no idea is too far out of reach. The fragile infancy of a dream may stir for a long time. Eventually a thought is transformed from an idea just floating around out there somewhere into a real project.” Tom’s genuine grace and friendly nature are as natural and captivating as his artwork. I will certainly be scheduling another appointment soon to see all of the ever changing work and likely purchase a few more pieces.
Image submitted by SOO
Image submitted by SOO
Image submitted by SOO
Ecclesiastes 3:12,13 I know there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his labor ------- this is the gift of God.
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